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Horse People First
as horse owners & equine business owners ourselves, we understand the unique challenges that you face every day - and the reason why we all do it. just like you, we muck stalls, clean tack, break ice in water buckets, pack for horse shows, do night checks, stack hay bales, and make bran mash. and, we know that feeling of riding your horse into a freshly dragged arena - it is a beautiful thing!
sometimes though, things don't quite go smoothly. when your horse is off the day before a show, when a client gets bucked off, when your horse trailer breaks down at the side of the road - we get it, because we've been there too.
risk management can help to prevent these challenges from occurring, but when they do, your insurance can reduce their financial impact. your broker needs to understand what problems you might face in order to advise you properly. our job is to give you the information that you need to make informed choices about how you minimize and allocate your risk, whether that is through insurance or other risk management tools.
we all have different budgets and goals for our insurance. there is no one-size-fits all policy; just like there is no one-size-fits all saddle. we are your resource to find your right fit.
we are independent brokers with access to the nation's top carriers. we represent you.

lexi barron
i have loved horses ever since i can remember. my parents finally signed me up for riding lessons at age 10, and i have been hooked ever since! i have been a dressage working student, started young horses, done longlining and schooling for a hippotherapy program, and started a barn management business. i finally purchased my first horse, reno, after graduating from college. we have learned so much from each other over the years, even earning our USDF bronze medal together. he is a happy, goofy horse who always makes me smile!
i have also earned a bachelor of arts with honors from the university of washington and a juris doctor from seattle university school of law, graduating cum laude. i am a licensed attorney in washington. after practicing for a few years in a general civil practice, with a focus on business, contracts, and equine law, i found my niche as an insurance broker. my husband, david, and i have long discussed the need for more extensive risk management tools, including insurance, in the equine industry; and so, barron equine came about! i love talking with people about their horses and i respect nothing more than an entrepreneur - i am your advocate and teammate in all of your equine endeavors.
david barron
when i was a child, my family traveled all over africa and asia for my father's work, before finally settling on a coffee farm in zimbabwe. my first horse was a crotchety old mare named Bellatrix, who was loaned to us by a neighbor. i eventually became an avid polocrosse player, and purchased and trained a barely-backed mare named nikita. as teens, my brother and i played for zimbabwe's national polocrosse team, traveling to tournaments across southern africa. lots of lost shoes and little access to farriers on our remote farm gave me my first experience "shoeing" horses (that is, nailing somewhat level metal onto somewhat level hooves!). after taking my first job to work with race horses in italy and learning some blacksmithing there, i decided to pursue farriery as a career.
i graduated from the damelin equestrian academy in south africa after completing two years of study and four years of apprenticeship, then worked all over the world - from Kentucky to Nevada to Dubai to Colorado to Kenya and more...
i obtained my journeyman farrier certification from the american farriers association after moving to washington, where i met lexi (at the barn of course) and decided to set roots.
i now also hold CFEI, CRM, and AAI insurance accreditations. working in the insurance industry allows me to pursue my interests in risk management, finance, and business - while also utilizing my knowledge of horses and the equine industry.
i love meeting new people - let's discuss your horse, your business, or your travels, and maybe even your insurance!